Brief History of HOuston Ransford Chapter #135
On September 7th, 1892 the first preliminary meeting was held to form an Eastern Star chapter in Houston. Mrs. Mary J. Scott Underhill was serving as Deputy Grand Matron and led the meeting. She stated that in order to secure a dispensation, it was necessary to select a name for our chapter and elect a Worthy Matron. They then elected 20 ladies and 25 men as Sisters and Brothers for this new chapter. Sister Mary J. Scott Underhill was elected Worthy Matron since she was moving to Houston and Brother S.D. Moore was elected Worthy Patron. Mrs. Underhill suggested that the Chapter be called Ransford in honor of our Most Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Nettie Ransford of the General Grand Chapter and a Past Grand Matron from Indiana.
Nettie Ransford was born Antoinette Helen Campwell at Little Falls, New York, November 5, 1838. She married William Ransford in 1858. She joined Queen Esther Chapter No. 3 in Indianapolis on June 13, 1872, just two months after its organization. She was Worthy Grand Matron of Indiana in 1879, 1880 and 1883. She had two daughters that passed away in childhood. After their death she was said to devote herself in Star and promoted raising money through Eastern Star for scholarships for persons seeking a degree in special education. She served on the committee to design the weaving of the labyrinth. She was Most Worthy Grand Matron of the General Grand Chapter from 1889 to 1892. She further served as Grand Secretary of Indiana Grand Chapter from 1894 to 1928 (34 years). She passed away on November 20, 1928.
On September 14, 1892, the second preliminary meeting was held and 13 ladies and 5 men were elected as members of Ransford. Then the following members were duly nominated and unanimously elected to the following offices: Chattie Wall - Treasurer, Jennie Moore - Secretary, Neppie Johnson - Adah, Agnes Shaw - Ruth, Flo Speer - Esther, Mrs. S. E. Olive - Electa, Mr. E. C. Crawford - Marshall, Mary Kirlicks - Warder, Edith McRea - Conductress, Guella Wilson - Associate Conductress, Rosa Jourde - Organist, and Mr. W. F. Swain - Chaplain.
Ransford Chapter opened it’s first regular meeting on September 21, 1892 and 5 ladies were elected for membership. Committees were appointed to help complete the organization of Ransford Chapter. At the next meeting of the Chapter held on September 29, 1892, 1 lady and 1 man were elected to membership. The Chapter decided to meet on the 2nd Thursday at 3:30 p.m. and the 4th Thursday at 8:00 p.m. of each month at the Masonic Temple located on Main at McKinney in the City of Houston. The Worthy Matron then explained that Chapter years run from October 31st to October 31st and that the installation of officer’s should be on October 31st because it is Festal Day now known as Founder’s Day. The chapter voted to invite Grand Chapter to be held in Houston for the following year. The invitation was to be made at Grand Chapter in Gainsville. They then installed the officers. On October 11th, 1892 the charter was signed and mailed to Ransford. The charter was first read at a meeting held on October 27, 1892. All were excited at being the Ransford Chapter #135. Ransford was off to a great start, membership increased and money making projects began. Ransford’s first money making project was to serve dinner at Grand Lodge.
Many honors were bestowed upon Ransford members. Mrs. Mary Scott Underhill serves as Grand Lecturer 1892-1893 during Ransford’s first year. Sister Jennie Moore Randolph, Ransford’s second Worthy Matron was elected Worthy Grand Matron in 1897-1898. Sister Kattie M. Bryan, a member of Ransford was elected Worthy Grand Matron for 1901-1902, Sister Carrie B. Lane the 5th Worhty Matron of Ransford was elected Worthy Grand Matron in 1909-1910. Then we had our first Worthy Grand Patron, Brother Bill Vollus who was Ransford’s 35th Worthy Patron. Next, Sister Lallah Mae Vollus, Ransford’s 46th Worthy Matron and the wife of Brother Bill Vollus was elected Worthy Grand Matron for 1945-1946. Most recently Sister Mary Ruth White, our 80th Worthy Matron served as Worthy Grand Matron in 2010-11. Grand Chapter has honored Ransford over the years with many Grand Offices and our Past Grand’s have served in the General Grand Chapter in various positions. We are honored to say that J.R. Cade Ransford’s 8th Worthy Patron was honored by naming Cade-Rothwell Lodge after him and Brother Andral Vann, Ransford’s 12th Worthy Patron was honored by naming Andral Vann Chapter after him.
Over the years Ransford has heard the call to arms many times, helping our brave sisters and brothers who served our county and helping out during major disasters. Ransford was there helping, in 1900 as a dreadful storm hit Galveston killing thousands and leaving thousands more with nothing. The storm was so bad that it even took it’s toll on Houston. Ransford members collected clothing and served hot meals at the Masonic Temple. On Ash Wednesday of 1912 the Great Fire burned Fifth Ward leaving ashes over 42 blocks of Houston. Ransford members were there helping by clothing and feeding those affected. During WWI Ransford formed an auxiliary Red Cross and served meals to soldiers awaiting orders and helped when soldiers returned. In WWII Ransford sold bonds and during the depression Ransford conserved and helped out in any way possible to make it though this difficult time. The Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Conflicts called many members to serve their country. Care packages were sent to let the soldiers know that we were here supporting them.
Ransford has had many good times. In 1907 The Chapter put on a Melodrama at the old Majestic Theater where Clark Gable once played to a sell out audience. We have had dances, bingo parties, card parties and many other fun social events. In 1919-1920 Brother W.R. Smith, our Worthy Patron started the first Watermelon party which still is being held today. Sister Mady King and Brother Bill Vollus started the shut-in committee where we visit and send gifts to our shut-in members. Sister Lallah Mae Vollus and Bother R.J. Moers started appointing a chapter registrar to greet guests and make sure they signed in and are properly welcomed.
Ransford has met in several places. We started out in the Masonic Temple which was owned by Holland Lodge #1 on the corner of Main and McKinney. Then in Sister Lillie Smith Haywood’s and Brother Sam McClure’s year, 1923-1924, we joined together with Houston Chapter #385 and Sunshine Chapter # 399 to from the Triple Star Association. The Association bought the old Bryan house at the corner of Milam and Hadley and turned it into the Eastern Star Temple. The old home was converted into a chapter room. In Sister Mable Carry’s and Brother Wallace Denter’s year, 1938-1939, the Chapter was singing “Hallelujah”, the Eastern Star Temple is paid off. Ransford stayed there until 1959 when the Triple Star Association sold the Eastern Star Temple. For two years Ransford met at the Gray and Temple Lodge building at Fannin and Clay. Then Ransford, Houston and Sunshine joined together and formed the Fraternal Home Association and built the Eastern Star Temple at 4002 Browning in West University. The first meeting to be held at the new Eastern Star Temple was at Sister Jane Mueller’s and Brother Frank B. Wisnoski’s last meeting in May 1961. Next, we moved to the Scottish Rite Temple on Browning at N. Braeswood. In 2004 with the sale of the Scottish Rite building we moved to Temple Lodge #4 on West Bellfort where we now reside.
In 2005, we are proud to say we had West University Chapter merge into our chapter. West University had Jacques DeMolay and Sunshine Chapter merge into their chapter before they merged with Ransford Chapter. Being all three chapters who had owned the old Eastern Star Temple (Ransford, Sunshine & Houston) together, Houston Chapter 385 merged into our chapter and we all agreed to chance our name to Houston Ransford #135.
This is just a glimpse into the history of Houston Ransford Chapter #135. To properly cover 128 years of History would take a book. It is the hope of the writer that this will inspire the reader to learn more about the mother chapter of Houston - Ransford Chapter #135 now Houston Ransford #135.
Written by Sherry Dieckmann, Past Matron