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Check out what is coming Up and if a member please consider attending our meetings on the 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM. Dinner at 6:30 PM before meeting
Houston Ransford
June-Officers Honor Our Outgoing WM
July-Off to Grand Chapter by Glenda Klemm
Silver Drill for Shrine Burn Center in Galveston
August-Rob Morris by Betty Mugg
Silver Drill for Ronald McDonald House
September-Symbolism by Kathy Paschal
Let’s all Bring Schools supplies to take to local schools & Silver Drill goes for Extra Supplies
October-Deputy Visit
Bring candy to meeng and we will use silver drill to donate candy to local church group
November-Obligation by Francie Spirkoff
Silver Drill for DeMolay
December-Christmas by Judi VanHorn
Let’s “adopt” a child at Christmas and give silver drill to help fill child’s wish.
January-Great Women in Star by Chantal Gaudiano
Silver Drill for DeMolay
February-Friendship & Honoring 25, 35, 50, 65, & 50 Years Members by Amanda Upton
Send Valenne cards to all members in nursing homes Silver Drill for Blank Card for Rest Home
March-Internet Safety by Mark Dieckmann
Silver Drill for Friends of Texas Parks
April-Elections & Budget
Silver Drill for Friend of Texas Parks
May-Memorial Service by Marty Drescher
Silver Drill for Friend of Texas Parks

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